Isaac Makes It Work

Photo: Making It Work

isaac's Creative StyleHere’s another photo from Isaac, whose creative and adventureous style sometimes comes from unexpected sources:

BTW I wear a ton of Forever 21 because I work there. I’m a husky guy but I can get myself comfortably into a pair of size 31 (women’s) F21 jeans and a few 30’s. The women’s tops often come in over-sized styles and when that happens I take advantage of the extra room and wear the shirts as if they were made to fit me.

Thanks for the photo, Isaac. We love the unique looks you’ve shared with us so far.

Do you have a unique look of your own you want to share with the world? Send us photos that show your style and we’ll share them right here on Chubstr. Be sure to tell us what you’re wearing and where you purchased it so that other gents can find the looks they like.

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