Beard by Matthew Rainwaters

Answerland: Beard Growth Tips

Dave Jensen and His BeardAnswerland is the feature that answers reader-submitted questions about style, grooming, finding clothes in your size, and just about anything else you can come up with. Ask your questions here.

A Twitter follower asked: Hey Bruce, ermm, is there any product that can grow some beard? Like cream or pills? 

To answer your question, we went to Chris from The Mod Cabin. This guy knows beards. He says:

Stay hydrated, take an Omega 3 Supplement and B Vitamins, [plus] use a jojoba and argan based beard oil to prevent itching.

As far as sprays and other such things that claim to help hair grow faster, be careful. I’d try to go the more natural route as opposed to trying those sorts of things. Keep in mind that everyone grows hair differently. Some people get a 5 ‘o’clock shadow by…5 ‘o’clock, and others might be able to go without a shave for a week. Follow the advice above, be patient, give it time, and see what happens.

[box type=”note” border=”full” icon=”none,”]Get more beard care tips in our interview with Chris from The Mod Cabin. [/box]

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